Teachers! Are you interested in creating a new "joie de vivre" mixed with elements of culture in your classroom? Then RSVP may be just the thing that you're looking for!
RSVP is a new and innovative approach that will have your students communicating and interested in French like never before!
RSVP is the result of years of attempting to have students involved in the penpalling process only to find that the task was too overwhelming due to lack of materials in this area. "Madame, I don't know what to write...", " Madame, how do you say...". RSVP is a fun and structured way to get to your students penpalling without the teacher having to write the letter for them!
How to use RSVP
RSVP can be started with your students at any time, however, it is suggested to start the penpalling experience at the beginning of the school year and continue until May or June.
The exchange of at least one letter per month is ideal.
You will need 3 or 4 periods to complete one letter with your class.
PERIOD #1 - Explanation and Questions
Distribute the appropriate theme question sheet and explain the activity to the class. Discuss the 15-20 questions with the class and give students time to answer them. They can be completed for homework if time does not permit.
PERIOD #2 - The Rough Copy of the Letter
All questions must be completed in order to start the rough copy of the letter. Students take their answers and compose paragraphs with a logical order. This should take most of the period. Remind students to check off their "auto-evaluation". Once finished, the rough copy is handed in to the teacher for correcting and evaluation. Finish for homework if necessary.
PERIOD #3 - The Good Copy
Once the rough copy has been corrected, evaluated, and handed back, students begin their good copies. The use of stationary is strongly encouraged. Do not forget to remind students to address their envelopes. Finish for homework if necessary
PERIOD #4 - The Good Copy / Bonus
Continue with the good copy and Bonus activity (which is often a small art activity). Once finished, the good copy is handed in for the final evaluation which encompasses "Artistic Impression". The good copy is then placed in the class manilla envelope and the student's name is checked off.
The teacher collects all of the letters and forwards them to the other teacher.
Now wait for your answers!