MON CALENDRIER package that you have purchased is intended to be a user-friendly package. There are 10 calendar month sheets that may be used with Grades 5-8 on a daily/monthly basis to help improve your students' comprehension of French and increase oral skills. Topics include: ??? (general questions), Chantez!, Comptez!, Culture, Dessinez!, Épelez!, Géographie, Jouez!, Les Maths, Météo, Nommez!, Répétez!, Sondages, Traduisez!, Trivia, and Qui suis-je?. Teachers may choose to start off their classes with "a question of the day" from the calendar and should assign specific time frames for completion of the questions.
Here are some helpful instructions that will ensure success in your classrooms:
- Photocopy the appropriate calendar sheet for your class. Have your students draw and colour appropriate graphics on and around the calendar for that specific month.
- Explain your expectations of this exercise to your students. i.e. - Students must read through the questions completely and write/draw their answers in the appropriate box, in their notebooks, on the blackboard, etc...
- Read through the daily question with your students. You may have them translate challenging words. You may decide for yourself whether or not you would like to pose the daily question or have a different student come up daily and pose it.
- Explain your evaluation methods to your students. Each teacher is encouraged to create a rubric for different grade levels and/or targeting specific aspects of the activities.
- Once your students have completed their calendar at the end of the month, you may have them glue them into their notebooks or onto a piece of construction paper for display in the class or around the school.
- To reinforce reading and oral skills, students may pair up and ask each other various questions from the month in order to increase fluency.
- A blank calendar is provided in this package in the event that students would like to make up their own calendars with their own questions!
Ex. - a month of varied questions
- a month of "Comment dit-on en français..." questions
- a month of spelling, culture, geography or math questions
- etc...
And finally...
Have fun while your students reinforce their French language skills!